aiNet v1.25 Copyright © 1995-97 by AINET Trubarjeva 42 Celje, SI-3000 Slovenia, Europe Internet Mail: ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CONTENTS I. A brief description of the aiNet application. II. How to set up the aiNet on your system. III. Some tips on using the aiNet IV. Example files I. WHAT IS THE aiNet? ********************* The aiNet is a very powerful (Windows95) neural network-like application and is designed specifically to facilitate modeling task in all neural network problems, where such tasks would be difficult or even impossible with other neural network applications currently available for MS Windows 3.1, Windows95, WindowsNT or MS DOS. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: The aiNet requires Microsoft Windows 95 or WindowsNT. (It runs also under Windows 3.1 with Win32s installed, however minor bugs were reported.) It requires approximately 9MB of disk space and 8MB of RAM in your system. Also, a VGA, SVGA, or other high resolution monitor is recommended. A mouse or other pointing device is also required. FILES INCLUDED WITH THE aiNet: aiNet ROOT directory WHAT-IS.NEW -- update information (text file). BWCC32.DLL -- A dynamic link library used in dialog boxes. README.TXT -- this file. (product information, copyright and distribution guidelines. REGISTER.TXT -- registration information. ORDER.TXT -- registration form. FILE_ID.DIZ -- short description for bbs BUG-LIST -- List of known bugs. AINET32 subdirectory AINET.EXE -- application executable file (32 bit version). AINET.HLP -- application on-line help. **BWCC32*.DLL -- A dynamic link library used in dialog boxes. AINET16 subdirectory AINET16.EXE -- application executable file (16 bit version). AINET.HLP -- application on-line help. **BWCC*.DLL -- A dynamic link library used in dialog boxes. **OWL50.DLL -- Object Windows DLL **BIDS50.DLL -- Container classes DLL **BC500RTL.DLL -- Dynamic 16 bit run time DLL (**) We suggest you to move all files denoted by (**) before their file names to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. MANUALS subdirectory PART1.DOC -- A manual for the aiNet. Word for Windows 6.0 format. (Part1: Users guide) PART2.DOC -- (Part2: Basics About Modeling with the aiNet) PART3.DOC -- (Part3: Examples) PART4.DOC -- (Part4: The aiNet DLL library) APPENDIX.DOC -- (Theoretical background - Mathematical Description of the aiNet) EXAMPLES subdirectory *.CSV -- several examples (ASCII - CSV format) *.PRD -- some additional prediction files *.DAT DLL subdirectory AINET.BAS -- Visual Basic file which defines all aiNet DLL function calls. AINETDLL.H -- C header file - function calls signatures and constants. **AINET16.DLL -- 16 bit version of the aiNet DLL library. **AINET32.DLL -- 32 bit version of the aiNet DLL library. AINET16.LIB -- 16 bit library file for linking DLL into your C (C++) projects AINET32.LIB -- 32 bit library file for linking DLL into your C (C++) projects DLL\C subdirectory DLLTESTS.IDE -- Borlanc C++ IDE project file which includes tree examples. DLLTST01.C -- Source code for example No. 1 DLLTST02.C -- Source code for example No. 2 DLLTST03.C -- Source code for example No. 3 DLLTST01.EXE -- Compiled version of example No. 1 DLLTST02.EXE -- Compiled version of example No. 2 DLLTST03.EXE -- Compiled version of example No. 3 AINET16.DLL -- 16 bit version of the aiNet DLL library (same as above). AINET32.DLL -- 32 bit version of the aiNet DLL library (same as above). XOR.CSV -- Sample file read by one of the examples. DLL\VB subdirectory DLL\VB\TEST1 subdirectory AINET.BAS -- Same as AINET.BAS in DLL subdirectory (see above) AINET16.DLL -- 16 bit version of the aiNet DLL library (same as above). TEST1.MAK -- Test1 makefile for the Visual Basic MAIN.FRM -- Source code for the test1 example. MAIN.FRX VBTEST1.EXE -- Compiled version of Visual Basic example Test1. XOR.CSV -- Sample file read by the example. DLL\VB\TEST2 subdirectory AINET.BAS -- Same as AINET.BAS in DLL subdirectory (see above) AINET16.DLL -- 16 bit version of the aiNet DLL library (same as above). TEST2.MAK -- Test2 makefile for the Visual Basic MAIN.FRM -- Source code for the test2 example. MAIN.FRX VBTEST1.EXE -- Compiled version of Visual Basic example Test2. II. SETTING UP THE aiNet ON YOUR SYSTEM *************************************** STEP 1. Make a separate directory anywhere on your system and store ALL of the distribution files that are part of the aiNet in that directory. DO NOT FORGET TO SPECIFY THE -d OPTION WHEN DECOMPRESSING WITH PKUNZIP! STEP 2. Install the aiNet executable file 'AINET.EXE' in a Program Manager application folder. STEP 3. To run the aiNet application, select the aiNet icon by double- clicking on it. To print the manual, you need a Winword 6.0 application. If you do not have any access to Winword 6.0, then contact us. We will find some solution (Postcript files or similar solution.) III. TIPS ON USING THE aiNet **************************** The aiNet comes with a manual where some features are explained more in detail and many examples are presented. We strongly recommend you to read this manual first. Reading the manual will be the fastest way to get familiar with the aiNet application. The aiNet has an extensive on-line help system. Documentation contained in the on-line system explains almost every feature of the product. You can invoke on-line help any time either by pressing the F1 function key, or by pressing the Help button. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY This software and documentation are sold "as is" and without warranties as to performance of merchantability or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. Because of the various hardware and software environments into which this program may be put, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered. You use aiNet ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK, and you supply it to your customers, friends, family or acquaintances ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. In no event shall we (AINET) be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the aiNet application, even if we have been advised of the possiblility of such damages. If these terms are not acceptable to you, then please DELETE all the files from your disks IMMEDIATELY AND PERMANENTLY. LICENSE ------- The aiNet application is *NOT* FREE SOFTWARE. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The aiNet application is released as SHAREWARE. This means that you may use it for a trial period of 21 days without any limitations. When this trial period expires you can continue to use the aiNet application, as long as: You PAY THE REQUIRED REGISTRATION FEE ===================================== (See the REGISTER.TXT file or take a look into the manual for more) (information about registration.) DISTRIBUTION OF THE aiNet - SHAREWARE DISTRIBUTION -------------------------------------------------- You may distribute the package freely to FTP sites, Bulletin Boards, Shareware/Freeware/Public Domain archives, CD-ROMS, Magazine Cover Disks and CD-ROMS, etc. Distribution of the package in any form is subject to ALL the following conditions; [1] ALL the files included with the aiNet (see the list of the files above) must be included, and [2] NO ATTEMPT must be made to modify or alter ANYTHING in any of the files, and [3] You must not charge ANYTHING for distributing this package (disk vendors may charge a reasonable fee, not exceeding US$5 for media and duplication). THE AUTHOR OF THE aiNet UNCONDITIONALLY RETAINS ALL RIGHTS PURSUANT TO THE COPYRIGHT INTERNATIONAL LAWS. SUGGESTED PRODUCT "BLURB": ------------------------- Title: aiNet V1.20 Neural Network Application /Windows 95 Keywords: NEURAL NETWORK, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, WINDOWS 95 Product Description: aiNet V1.20: "A very powerful neural network-like application" It does not require learning samples, has no limits in number of problem variables (input & output neurons), no limits in sample size base. It is not sensitive to noise in the data. It provides several different charts types and comes with a manual written in the Word 6.0 (A postscript version of the manual is also available.) It is very easy to use, due to the build-in spreadsheet-like editor. It is fast and efficient and comes with several examples, which are solved and explained in the manual. It has a fully documented DLL library which can be used to create your own application on the basis of aiNet algorithm. Any language which can make calls to the DLL libraries can be used. FULL WORKING VERSION, except registration messages. Version 1.20 (Shareware) IV. EXAMPLE FILES ***************** User’s guide example 1 --> XOR problem: --------------------------------------- XOR.CSV User’s guide example 2 --> HOLE problem: ---------------------------------------- HOLE.CSV HOLE.PRD HOLE-NS.CSV Example 1 --> Time series: -------------------------- EXAMPLE1.CSV EXAMPLE1.RES Example 2 --> Aproximation of non-linear functions: --------------------------------------------------- EXAMPL2A.CSV (two parameters: I & O) EXAMPL2A.PRD EXAMPL2B.CSV (three parameters: I, I & O) Example 3 --> Sensor processing (Character recognition): -------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPL3A.CSV (52 parameters) EXAMPL3A.PRD EXAMPL3B.CSV (29 parameters) EXAMPL3B.PRD Example 4 --> Economy (Regional analysis): ------------------------------------------ EXAMPLE4.CSV Example 5 --> Civil Engineering (Diagnosis of damage of PCP during driving): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLE5.CSV Example 6 --> Medicine (Diagnosis in case of back pain): -------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLE6.CSV EXAMPLE6.PRD